As we head into the summer months, it is a great time to incorporate more seasonal fruits and vegetables into our diet. Not only do they taste great but there are real health benefits to eating foods that are in season.

When you eat fresh, whole foods that are in season, you have the opportunity to save money, help the environment, increase your nutrition, and build variety into your diet!

1. Save money

Eating seasonally means that you are buying food that is at the peak of its supply, and costs less to harvest and get to your grocery store. It is the basic law of supply and demand, and when crops are in season, you’ll be rewarded financially by purchasing what’s growing now.

2. Nutrients & Taste

Eating seasonally allows you to eat produce that is consumed at the most nutritious point. The nutrient density of fruits and vegetables begins to decline the instant that they are harvested. When we eat foods that are out of season they are often in shipment containers for several days, followed by several days on grocery store shelves making them far less nutritious and not as flavourful.

3. Supporting local

If you buy locally, you’ll have a better chance at getting foods that are seasonal, fresh, and support local farmers and businesses in your community. Shop at a nearby farmer’s market or support local farms by signing up for a local fresh food delivery service.

4. Decreasing your carbon footprint

This is one of my personal favourites, doing our part in saving our environment. Seasonal fruits and vegetables don’t have to travel very far to reach their destinations, which reduces the amount of fuel required to transport them. Consuming produce that has been shipped thousands of miles is not environmentally friendly. There is a high carbon footprint due to the transportation costs of consuming fresh produce that is out-of-season.

5. Variety all year long

Eating seasonally can expose you to a whole new world of food. Instead of limiting the diversity of the foods you eat, eating seasonally expands it. Expanding your horizons can open the door to a variety of delicious food that you can get and prepare cheaply.

Don’t Go Overboard

Like any food movement, don’t go overboard with it. It’s really important to note that it’s not always possible to eat locally and seasonally for everyone all of the time. It is more about the importance of making decisions where possible that are better for you, your wallet and your health where you can.

So determine what’s in season right now and dig in. You’ll be rewarded with high quality produce, packed with nutrition, at a lower cost. And your taste buds will definitely thank you for it!

If you are interested in a nutrition consultation, please contact our front desk to book an appointment with Jordan Titchener R.Ac.