15 10, 2017

Side effects of acupuncture you should know about


When you have an acupuncture treatment you likely go in with a specific issue in mind, such as eliminating pain or assisting with sleep; however, when you leave you can experience some other changes as well. Here are just some [...]

Side effects of acupuncture you should know about2017-11-23T01:33:50+00:00
12 09, 2017

Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) vs. Acupuncture


IMS Needle Surrey Can physiotherapists do acupuncture? What physiotherapists do is not traditional acupuncture, but a technique called intramuscular stimulation (IMS) or “dry needling”. To ensure you are receiving the best possible care it is important to differentiate between what [...]

Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) vs. Acupuncture2021-07-21T00:38:35+00:00


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